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Nina Livii  
Skin Care & Wellness

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virtual skincare consultation

Virtual Skin Health Assessments

This is an excellent service for those who love my philosophy & want my help improving the skin, but live from a distance or may have a difficult time affording consistent in-studio treatment at the moment.

Prior to our phone call session, I will email you an evaluation form and ask you for clear pictures of your skin.  After you have filled out the form and submitted it, I will thoroughly review this with you during our meeting along with any questions you have, and recommendations that I make.  Then, I will create & email you an individualized protocol consisting of a skin care routine including product recommendations, targeted face massage techniques, as well as dietary & supplement recommendations* specific to your skin care needs.  A 20 minute follow up call will be recommended 4-6 weeks after your initial consult (this is included in the initial consult price). After 3 months, it is recommended to have another follow up call to review your progress and make adjustments if needed.  Questions may be asked at any time, of course there is no fee for support between virtual appointments as minor adjustments may be needed at any time.


Virtual consult session (45-60min) with detailed protocol & 20 minute follow up call  $100

30 min. Follow Up Sessions after 3 months are discounted


A Bach Flower Therapy consultation may be added on for an additional fee


* Diet & supplement recommendations should always be checked with a doctor first for interactions and/or contraindications, preferably an functional medicine doctor if you have one. 

Let’s Work Together

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